Monday, May 4, 2009

SpringSource Aquires Hyperic

It certainly isn't as big of a story as Sun being acquired by Oracle, but it is worth noting.  SpringSource has announced that they have acquired Hyperic.  SpringSource is the company that is the driving force behind the Spring Framework which is arguably the most widely used open source Java framework in enterprise software today.  Hyperic provides a software suite for monitoring applications and servers and they have recently been dabbling in providing some of these services for the cloud.  The team up of these two vendors is especially interesting because they both offer some great services and tools in through open source.  This partnership could really allow even more granular visibility into the Spring stack for monitoring.  It will be interesting to watch and see if we start to see a move to OSGi component monitoring especially in the context of the SpringSource dm Server.  I hope to see great things out of this and expect that there will be a lot of value there for the open source community.  We should watch for more tools for monitoring applications in the cloud as well from this pair.

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